Gala Networking Night

This social evening was a great time for members to catch up and share their year.

Lots of mingling and fun was had to the backdrop of live music and a very engaging MC!

Check out the photos in the gallery and we look forward to seeing you at the next one.

Gala Networking Night

“It gets me in touch with the decision makers of the company which come here (Business Breakfast) and it’s a good informal way of meeting them”

“I’m not a born networker, so getting some extra support felt really lovely and was just what I needed! I ended up making over 10 contacts and 3+ business opportunities”

“What’s really great about the BBN is that by meeting your peers in your local community you get really good information about what’s going on in business.”

“As this is my first foray into private practice, establishing new contacts will be vital, and I’m already thrilled with the organisation of of the network”

“As a small business you often work in isolation and it’s fabulous to talk to others who are sharing your experience. The BBN offers lots of opportunity to do this through their many events.”

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